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Alice LEE

Partner Attorney


Ms. Lee was retained by renowned companies to defend them on fights for corporate ownership and shareholding-related disputes. She provided consultation services to Taiwanese entrepreneurs on launching investments in China, developing infrastructure required for the investments, and resolving commercial disputes. Ms. Lee is a highly experienced lawyer, as evidenced by the Winner of Litigation & Dispute Resolution – Taiwan by Corporate LiveWire – Global Awards 2015, she received in 2015.


Double degree in law and philosophy,
Soochow University, Taiwan


Lawyer, Himark Counselors
Senior lawyer, T C Masters

Practice Areas

Corporate law, contract law, shareholding planning, commercial disputes (under civil law, criminal law and administrative law), stock exchange law, merging, intellectual property law, anti-unfair competition law, and employment disputes.


2024/03/11 經營權之爭之攻與防系列之(二)-主管機關的認定及定暫時狀態的假處分之重要性
2024/01/24 經營權之爭之攻與防系列之(一)以智冠、網銀為例

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